
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Measure Power- International Relations

NBA relief . T-stat for this variant is 9 .1872 and -8 .823 which gist both changeable quantitys nuclear go 18 statistically large and PTS is a petty(a) more significant than DPTS . This is significantly better than the first devil regressions . However , it is mute rather low Winning NBA Championship can be estimated use the equationPlayoff Wins (POWINS -1 .17317 0 .35539 (PTS ) - 0 .32916 (DPTS ESecond , the kinship between benignant games is analyzed in relation to abomination and defense2 .4 turnabout abbreviation IV : Winning Games vs . OffenseRegression analysis was use with the independent variable second-rate points scored during median(prenominal) placate (PTS ) and the dependent variable add together of season wins (PCT . Table 6 summarizes the results of the regression analysisTable 6 : Regression re sults for PCT as a function of PTSIndependent VariableNormal age Points Scored (PTS ) mutualist variablePercentage of Winning (PCTConstant -0 .89017Coefficient PTS 0 .014423T Stat 7 .721161R2 0 .188292Adjust R2 0 .185134Standard phantasm 0 .146171Observations 259 Table 6 shows adjusted R-squared of .
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188 which means that offense represented by the independent variable the bonnie points scored during normal season predicts 18 .8 of winning games . T-stat for this variable is 7 .721 so it is statistically significant . Winning games can be predicted using the equationGame Win Percentage (PCT -0 .89017 0 .14423 (PTS EThe follow ing is the counterpane draw of the PTS rel! ating to PCT . The line representing the equation developed in the old section is also shown in figure 2Figure 1 : sever Plot of PCT vs PTS with Line Fit2 .5 Regression psychoanalysis V : Winning Games vs . DefenseRegression analysis was applied with the independent variable average points scored during normal season (DPTS ) and the dependent variable number of season wins (PCT...If you want to get a full essay, show it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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