
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

An Account of a Term

THE DIGNITY OF ART We are told by philosophers that the essence of silklike is non the performance of a moral act, but the making of just about thing, some determine, some object, with a view non to the human good of the agent, but to the requirements and proper good of the act to be done, by using means of realisation predetermined by the nature of the work in question. Art so appears as something in itself outside the line of human conduct, something very to the highest grad inhuman, whose requirements are nevertheless absolute, for, needless to say, t here are not two ways of making an object well, of realising well the work conceived; there is only one, and it must not be missed. Philosophers go on to say that this constructive practise is principally and higher(prenominal) up all an intellectual activity. Art is a sexual abstention of the mind, a truth of the practical mind, and may be describe as the peculiar merit of the working reasons. But, it m ay be objected, if device is merely an intellectual virtue of construction, whence answer the self-regard and prestige it enjoys among mankind? Why does this branch of our activity draw out so much human pushing? Why has the poet at all times and among all nations been admire equally with the quick of scent?
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The answer may in the first place be given that to create, to produce something intellectually, to make an object rationally constructed, is a very considerable achievement in the world: in itself, for man, a way of imitating God. And here I mean cheat in general, as the Ancients lowstood it, the virtue of the a rtisan. But where specially the maker of! works becomes an imitator of God, where the virtue of art attains the splendour of absolute and self-sufficient things, is in that assort of arts which by itself constitutes a whole spiritual world, videlicet the Fine Arts. both things are here to be considered. On the one hand, any(prenominal) be the nature and the ends in usefulness of the art under consideration, by its object it participates in something superhuman:...If you deprivation to thread a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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