
Monday, February 4, 2019

Marijuana Helps in Medicine :: for use of cannabis

Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) has been thought tobe an illegal and very toxic drug for numerous years. But asyou read this report you will bring out that marijuana has beenaround for many years (most years legal) and isnt asharmful as some people may think. Marijuana has beenuse for many things in the past, including medicine, hemprope, crude cloth and enjoyment. Now it is mainly used asa narcotic. Marijuana is an illegal weed that grows up to 18 feet tall with little or no cultivation. The plant hasmany branches that compensate with large, hairy, pointed leaveswith saw tooth edges. Marijuana grows wild all over theworld and in some states and countries its legal. Cloth andrope ar made from the stem which contains a tough fibercalled "hence." The mind-altering drug in marijuana is called"Delta-9-Tetrahydro piece of assnibinol," or tetrahydrocannabinol. The mildest formof marijuana contains between zero to tierce percent ofTHC. or so of the THC is contained in the resign, which issecreted around the flowers, seeds, and topmast leaves.Until recently it was thought that only the feminine plantcontained the drug. But it is now known that both thefe masculine and the male plants contain THC. THC stays in thebody for about 28 days. Marijuana can be prep ard manydifferent ways therefore it has many different ways ofentering the body. When smoked the THC goes into thelungs, directly into the bloodstream and to every cell in yourbody. The effects face upon the level of potency andhow much is consumed. The main effects of smoking arethe heart rate may increase from 80 beats to cl beats aminute, the bronchial tubes enlarge and start out relaxedallowing extra oxygen to enter the body, giving a "High" likefeeling. There are no immediate physiological effects. Thefeeling usually lasts from unrivalled to three hours. Marijuana canalso be ingested as a drink, cakes, brownies or many otherfoods. When consumed in foods the effects start afte r onehalf-hour and last from three to four hours. The potency ofMarijuana has change magnitude at least ten times or 275% sincethe 1960s. Marijuana can be measured by its "therapeuticproportion," (the difference between the sizing of the dose neededfor the desired effect and the size that producespoisoning). The therapeutic ratio in marijuana has yet to befound. The negative long boundary effects of heavy marijuanause are, possible lung cancer, heart attacks in juveniles,strokes in people under forty, and it depletes the brain ofserotonin and the user may lose his sense of well being ormay become depressed.

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