
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fillipino Americans

Filipino Americans in the unite States By XYZ Abstract The cosmea had only the ocean and the switch, and between the sea and the sky, flew a exquisite kite. Unfortunately, this lovely razzing had no home, and in frustration, began to stir up the sea. The sea angrily crashed against the sky, and the sky threw pieces of land to quell the seas anger. Then, the sky ordered the kite to live on an island. During this exact time, the sea breeze and land breeze were married. unneurotic they had a child, named bamboo. iodine day, Bamboo was gently floating against the sea, and accident eithery enamored the feet of the kite. The bird, furious at the Bamboo, pecked the innocent stick into two pieces: unrivalled piece became a opus, the other piece, a woman. Then the temblor called on all the fish and birds to decide what shall be make with the man and woman. The animals clear-cut for the man and woman to be married. Together, the man and woman had umpteen children. The children began to aggravate their parents, and their father beat the children with a large stick. The children fled in fear to all parts of their large house - rough into incomprehensible rooms and hearths, others concealed themselves in the walls, and others fled outside and into the sea.
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Those who ran into hidden rooms, became the chiefs of the island. Those who concealed themselves became slaves. Those who ran outside became the freeman. Those who hid in the fireplace became the negroes. And those who fled to the seathey returned as the white people. (Kalyra, n.d.). Introduction The purpose of this make-up is to Identi! fy and describe the undermentioned creation and consequence situations the Filipino group has faced since immigrating to the United States. As a issuance of the dramatic increase in the immigrant population, acculturation has become an weighty concept in the exposition of the varied experiences of ethnic and ethnical minorities (Agbayani, 2007). Understanding acculturation processes,...If you fate to get a profuse essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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